We are so excited that you are joining our CYT Springfield family in this awesome production adventure!

Our shows are a unique and exciting endeavor. We work together to create a professional production in just eight weeks. The show and rehearsal process are vital tools in our mission to develop character through training in the arts. Not only will your student learn to perform, but they will also learn who they are and their value as a member of the cast.

CYT Productions are fast-paced. We do an enormous amount in just a few weeks. There are loads of
details to manage, places to be, and responsibilities that all of us carry so that your student’s experience can be the best it can be. 

Audition Information

Audition Date: Friday, March 21st
Audition Location: First and Calvary Presbyterian Church (820 E Cherry St, Springfield, MO 65806)
You will be able to chose your audition time after registering for your Spring Class session. 
  • You will be asked to come prepared with a one-minute song to sing during your audition. 
  • You MUST be available for evening practices for our final performance date (May 30 & 31st) and for that week for our final dress rehearsal (May 26-29) in order to audition. 
  • Everyone who auditions will be cast in the show, either as a main role or in the ensemble
  • If you are out of town for the audition dates, your student may be permitted to submit a video audition. 
  • Reach out to us if your student would like to be involved in our backstage crew by emailing hello@cytspringfield.org

Getting Ready for Your Audition

  • Register for at least one CYT Springfield class.
  • Compare your personal calendar to the production calendar below and make sure you can attend rehearsals and performances. 
  • Choose your audition song (1 minute or 32 measures) and start to practice. 
  • On the night of auditions: arrive 10-15 minutes before your audition time and sign in.
  • Callbacks for roles, by invitation only, will be held the morning following auditions. 

Performer Commitment

  • 150% Effort and an A+ Attitude
  • Attendance at Auditions and Callbacks.
  • Attendance at all rehearsals, unless indicated on the schedule commitment page.
  • Attendance at all performances.
  • Memorizing all lines, songs and dances.
  • Being responsive to and respectful of our directors and staff.
  • Completing all responsibilities before leaving a rehearsal or performance.

Parental Commitment 

  • Be engaged and involved in our production's needs. 
  • Attendance at the Production Kickoff, which coincides with the first rehearsal.
  • Participation in Load-In (when we move into the performance venue) and Strike (when we move out of the performance venue.)
  • Provide or purchase snacks, lunch, and water for your student (as needed) at all rehearsals.
  • Attend Open Auditions with your student.

Financial Commitment

Note: These costs are PER STUDENT / PER PRODUCTION unless indicated. Students MUST be enrolled in one (1) CYT Springfield class in the current session in order to audition for a show. See our classes page for tuition costs.
  • $150 Production Fee - the first payment, of approximately $25, is due upon casting in order to accept the role. Production Fees are one of the five sources of income that support each production. The others are ticket sales, concessions, special activities & program advertisements. Production Fees are the seed money to get the production rolling.
    Production fees are paid online, using your CYT account. 
  • We have tried to incorporate as many expenses into the fee as possible in order to cut down on other requests for money during the production process.While we think the Production Fee is a great value, we understand that it can be a daunting amount, especially for families that have multiple children in the production. If you need to make special arrangements, please speak with the Artistic Director, Rachel Gill at Rachel@cytspringfield.org. 
  • Modesty wear- typically tank top and bike shorts for under your costume.
  • Optional items: Congratulatory Ads, Digital Photos & Show Video


Production Calendar

Rehearsal Times:
March 28- May 10 at First and Calvary Presbyterian 
Fridays 5:00pm- 8:00pm
Saturdays 10:00am-1:00pm 

Friday May 16th at First and Calvary Presbyterian

Saturday May 17 at First and Calvary Presbyterian 
9am-2pm (bring a lunch) 

Thursday May 22 at First and Calvary Presbyterian 
4:30-8pm (Please bring $5 for pizza or your own dinner) 

Saturday May 24 at First and Calvary Presbyterian
9am-10am - Parent's Production Meeting
9am-4pm COSTUME PARADE (bring a lunch) 

Tech week and Dress Rehearsal evenings at Strafford High School Auditorium
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (May 26th, 27th, & 29th)

Performance times at Strafford High School Auditorium
Friday May 30th- Call time at 5:30pm, Performance at 7:00pm
Saturday May 31st- Call time at 12:30pm, Performance at 2:00pm 

Strike Down & Strike Down Party 
After the show - approximately 4:oopm-6:30pm


Ready to Audition?